Family Academy
NAZ Family Academy offers a variety of free parenting courses for caregivers living in North Minneapolis. These courses provide parents the skills and tools to support the academic success of their kids.

Family Academy is a series of parent education classes designed to empower families. The classes are focused on providing caregivers with the skills and tools to strengthen the stability of their family and support the academic success of their child at every stage of development. Classes begin with College Bound Babies and continue through teen years.
Our parent educators are highly trained and experienced and have strong ties to North Minneapolis. They can relate to our families, and in turn, our families trust them. The curriculum combines data-driven best practices with real life experiences of NAZ families, so the strategies are presented in ways that are relevant to them. The skills they develop in class are reinforced through one-on-one interaction with their NAZ Family Achievement Coach.
Parents are the first and primary teachers of their children. NAZ Family Academy classes help parents improve the stability of their households and better support the academic success of their kids. These classes are free to families living in the Northside or whose scholars attend a NAZ anchor partner. Upon completion, each participant will be given a monetary stipend.
The Foundations class is for all parents. You learn to set and reach personal goals and gain skills in self-awareness, emotional regulation, and motivation to support your child’s long-term success.
College-Bound Babies is for parents of children ages 0 - 3. Learn how your child develops, ways to build your child’s vocabulary, and how to address behavioral challenges.
For parents of children pre-K to Kindergarten, Ready to Succeed is the class to learn how to build your child’s social skills, deal with behavioral challenges, advocate for your child at school, and engage with their teachers.
College-Bound Scholars is for parents of children in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Ideally, you would establish a college-going mindset with your kids while they’re young so they have plenty of time to work toward it. Learn strategies for better communication with your scholar(s).
For caregivers of students in middle or high school, Foundations for Youth teaches strategies for better communication with your teenager(s) and best supports for them at this stage of their academic journey.
For father figures, the Proud Papa Foundations class is a place to discuss the importance of being present in your children's lives, learn strategies to be the best parent possible, and celebrate the beautiful responsibility of being a dad.