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Why North Minneapolis?

North Minneapolis is an area brimming with both great possibility and great need. NAZ is committed to North Minneapolis, a community of thirteen neighborhoods with a population of 66,000 residents, experiencing some of the greatest racial inequities in our city. The Northside is home to the largest Black population and has the highest percentage of families with children in all of Minneapolis.

Who NAZ Serves

93% of NAZ families are families of color, and 65%+ of NAZ families make below the 2024 Federal Poverty Line ($31,200).

By Race

*American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Other: <1%
Black or African American - 80%
Hispanic/Latino - 9%
Not Reported - 4%
Multi-Racial - 4%
White - 1%
Prefer Not to Answer - 1%

By Income

$0-$9,999 - 28%
$10,000-$19,999 - 16%
$20,000-$29,999 - 21%
$30,000-$49,999 - 20%
$50,000—$69,999 - 4%
$70,000 - $89,999 - 1%
Prefer not to answer - 6%
Not Reported - 3%

Population-level Results

1,072 Families

NAZ Program Population

Involved in Family Academy, Achievement Coaching, and/or Parent Leadership.
2,793 Families

Target Population

All North Minneapolis African American low-income families with scholars ages 0-18
5,385 Families


All North Minneapolis low-income families with scholars ages 0-18

Potential: Powered.

Through a two-generation approach, NAZ and its partners power the potential of families and their scholars.

The NAZ Model

Expectant mother sits on exercise ball holding stomach.
young scholar at computer
Shanetta and her family
Danielle Jackson and family
Family Achievement Coach Tatika in a classroom
The Hollman family
A young Black mother with 2 daughters and a son, in front of greenery.
Shai reading

Opening Doors to Dreams

Invest in Northside Scholars.
Young girl wearing tiara smiling